
2018 Scholarship Awards Ceremony

On June 22, 2018 the Scholarship Fund celebrated the 32nd Annual NYHTC & HANYC, Inc. Scholarship Awards Ceremony and Luncheon. We shared this event with the Local 6 Division-A Scholarship Program, which celebrated its 17th year in existence. As it had in 2017, the Harvard Club hosted the function in its beautifully appointed North and Biddle Banquet Room. Winners and their families were applauded, celebrated and photographed throughout the joyous event.

Forty-five winners will receive their $8,000.00 grants in equal increments over the next four years. After completing the rigorous application process, the finalists were interviewed by the full committee and the winners were chosen based upon their academic ability, extracurricular activities, financial need and future promise.

Congratulatory speeches were delivered by Peter Ward, President of the New York Hotel Trades Council, Vijay Dandapani, President and CEO of the Hotel Association of NYC, Inc., and Dr. Robert H. Greenspan, Chief Executive Officer of the Employee Benefit Funds. All celebrated the winners on their awards as well as future success and praised the parents for a job well done. Larry Momo, Chairperson of the Awards Selection Committee announced each winner and outlined each one’s accomplishments and future plans

The event concluded with a wonderful luncheon that honored the hard work of the parents, whose intense pride was apparent as they celebrated with their children. As expected, there was an atmosphere of great joy and celebration during the entire event.

We congratulate our 2018 winners and their parents on this well-earned scholarship. We look forward to corresponding with them over the next four years as we follow their progress and process their annual allotments.

Andrew J. Windsor, Director
Scholarship Fund

2018 Event Program

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